Do you have a “map” that leads to more sales?

Getting from point A to point B has become easy with GPS, the Global Positioning System.

There really is no reason to get lost. Even before this technology, if you are old enough to remember, we had paper maps to guide us. And, before that, our predecessors had the sun and the stars for navigation.

  • But how do you know if your sales representative is on the right “road” to more sales?
  • And, even if they are on the right road, how close are they to their destination?
  • Where is their map?

Business owners often suspect their sales team is “lost” when sales are poor and new opportunities are lacking. When this happens, how do you get back on track?

It all starts with establishing goals and metrics and then cascading these down to activities.

Consider the following questions:

  • How much does a sales rep need to sell this year?
  • What is the dollar value of an average sale?
  • How many individual sales does the rep need to win?
  • To make a sale, how many quotes/proposals does the rep need to deliver?
  • To deliver a quote/proposal, how many qualified prospects does the rep need to meet with?
  • To meet with a qualified prospect, how many total meetings (with qualified and unqualified prospects) does a rep need to have?

The above questions can cascade further to activities such as sending emails and making phone calls to prospects.

The point is that goals, metrics, and the associated activities are the roads, traffic lights, and signposts that guide the salesperson toward the sale. Without them, there is no telling if they are heading in the right direction or when they will arrive. With them, you can not only gauge their progress, but you can begin to evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness in selling.

Keylan’s Fractional Sales Consultants have years of experience in sales management. They can create a sales map for your business, implement its use, and help your sales reps stay on course. 

If you want to learn more about “map-making” for your sales team, please contact us at 216-410-3024 or

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