You’ve heard it from your salespeople time after time. “I was hired to sell. My time is limited. I can’t possibly keep the CRM up to date, too.”
This scenario brings to mind the words of Abraham Lincoln: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
While no one would argue that using a dull axe is a good way to chop down a tree, salespeople will approach their selling activities and opportunities without the use of key data. As a result, they can fail to:
- Organize their accounts and territory
- Prioritize their time
- Maximize their efficiency and effectiveness
Changing this mindset requires thoughtful, consistent sales coaching as it typically cannot be done overnight. Here are just a few suggestions for maximizing the use of your CRM:
- Communicate the Benefits: Explain how it can streamline workflow, improve productivity, provide valuable insights, and ultimately lead to higher sales and commissions.
- Provide Training and Support: Many times, resistance to using a CRM stems from a lack of understanding or familiarity with the software.
- Lead by Example: Demonstrate the importance of CRM usage by incorporating it into your own workflow and highlighting its benefits.
- Track CRM usage metrics and provide feedback to your sales team on their performance. Highlight instances where CRM usage has led to successful outcomes and encourage continued engagement.
- Set clear expectations for CRM usage and hold sales reps accountable for their adherence to these expectations. Regularly review CRM activity during one-on-one meetings and performance evaluations.
If you are the owner of a small or medium-sized business these suggestions probably resonate with you. But if you don’t have the bandwidth to implement them, consider partnering with a Keylan Fractional Sales Manager. Available at a fraction of the cost of a full-time Sales Manager, these seasoned professionals can do the above and more!
To learn more about our Fractional Sales Management, please contact us at 216-410-3024 or