The Definition of Insanity

The following quote is attributed to Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Have you provided training to your salespeople over and over, yet they don’t seem to get different results? Everyone attends the training and is attentive and engaged. They depart feeling energized and ready to use their newly acquired knowledge. But in a month or so, the lessons learned are no longer easily recalled and the impact of the training is not evident.

If you agree with Einstein, this is insanity. In any case, it is frustrating, costly, and unproductive.

Consider these definitions:

  • Training- the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior.
  • Development- the process in which someone grows or changes and becomes more advanced.

The distinction is subtle yet significant. Training places the emphasis on the act of teaching whereas development places it on the growth of the student.

The key takeaway is that your salespeople need to “own” their development. How do you accomplish this? The recommended process looks like this:

  • Assess – using a Performance Review and/or Assessment Tool, e.g., Platinum Rule, Emotional Intelligence, Thomas Kilmann, determines the individual’s strengths and opportunities.
  • Activities – identify activities designed to reinforce desirable behaviors and modify unproductive ones.
  • Action – create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) which specifies not only the activities, but also how completion will be determined and the target dates for doing so.
  • Assess – on a predefined schedule, monitor the individual’s progress toward completion.

The IDP is an effective method for turning training into development. If you are looking for a way to escape “insanity,” give it a try!

Keylan Management often incorporates the use of IDPs into engagements with its clients. If you would like to learn more about this approach, please contact us at 216-410-3024 or

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