
Are You Building a Championship Team? Recently Rex Ryan, former NFL coach and current ESPN football analyst, spoke about the priorities of the Green Bay Packers’ yet-to-be-named new head coach. The team, with 5 wins, 7 losses and 1 tie has not performed to its potential and had suddenly fired long time coach, Mike McCarthy, […]

The Goldilocks Sales Manager Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with a great many salespeople and to hear their opinions of their sales managers.  While some recounted the positive impact they had on them and others the negative, the best managers always seemed to strike a balance in their style. One notable […]

Sales Advice from Jack Nicklaus With few exceptions, the best professional golfers employ coaches.  And, they pay up to $20,000 per day for their advice so they clearly believe in the value of sound coaching.  (This is Dave Pelz’s fee and 11 of his professional students have won a total of 21 Major golf championships.) […]

Message to Business Owners: Get Social Your salespeople face greater challenges to winning new accounts than ever before. According to CEB, the buying decision process is 57% complete even before a prospective customer talks with a salesperson. This means that prospects are well informed about your company and your market so it is much more difficult […]

Knowing When to Be the Business Owner and Not the Sales Manager As a small business owner it is hard to give up crucial functions within your business, so you can focus on actually running your company. However, without giving up some of the responsibility of those crucial functions you may be setting yourself and […]

As an Owner, Are You Managing Your Sales Team? Here are three things to think about: 1. Seek outside expertise that can help you develop a sales strategy that you can understand and execute. Not every business owner will understand sales strategy or the process behind sales and marketing. Remember you have a lot to […]

Follow @keylangroup for the Latest News and Insights I’m excited to say that I started my sales management and leadership development company last fall. I take great pride in helping others with their sales management and leadership development goals, which is why I’m happy to share that I will be putting out a weekly blog […]

Creating a Standout Culture with Keylan’s Assistance This post originally appeared on the Willory blog. It is reposted here with permission. By Angie Williams, Willory HR Operations Manager From day one Willory has focused on “doing right” by our team members. If you look at Willory’s values you’ll notice a very important one, “Inspire professional growth.” […]

Introducing Keylan I feel blessed and proud to announce the launch of my new business venture, Keylan Management Group, LLC. It is a dream realized to start a business that allows me to do what I love: help people, leaders and small businesses with vision and clarity to build a path that meets or exceed […]

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